7 solutions to fix Windows 10 Can’t Connect to This Network (WiFi)

Having trouble connecting to the WiFi network? Suddenly after a recent windows update, WiFi gets disconnected and try to reconnect results “can’t connect to this network” Or sometimes after Change WiFi password Windows fails to connect to the WiFi network with the error message Can’t Connect To This Network. A number of users report the same issue “unable to connect to wifi” on the Microsoft forum:

After upgrading to Windows 10 20H2 can’t connect to my Wifi network. At same time i can connect to others, but when I try to connect to my network the message: Can’t connect to this network. After that the network disappears from the list, I tried to add manually but nothing. 

Windows 10 Can’t Connect to This Network

Windows 10 Can’t Connect To This Network

Internet & Network connection problems are most commonly caused by disconnected cables or by routers and modems that aren’t working correctly. Again incorrect network configuration, Outdated network adapter driver, Security software etc cause frequent disconnect or Can’t connect to this network error. Whatever the reason, here 5 solutions that help to fix Internet & Network connection problems.

Fix Temporary glitch with Restarting Network Devices

First of all Power cycle modem-router-computer that most of the time fix Internet and network connections if any temporary glitch causing the problem.

  1. Simply power off Router, Switch and modem (if installed) at same also restart your Windows 10 PC/Laptop

  2. Wair a few minutes and then Turn on all network devices include the router, switch and modem and wait for all its lights to turn up.

  3. Once Done try to connect the WiFi network this helps.

Forget the wireless connection

  1. Open Settings App and go to Network & Internet.

  2. Go to the Wi-Fi section and click Manage Wi-Fi settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Manage known networks, select your Wireless network and click Forget.

  4. After you’ve done that, connect to the same wireless network again.

Forgot wireless network

Run Network Adapter Troubleshooter

Windows has a built-in Network adapter troubleshooter that helps with checking problems prevent To Connect WiFi network. Run the troubleshooter and let windows detect and fix it for you.

  1. Open Control panel

  2. Change the view by (small icon) and Click on Troubleshooting

  3. Select Hardware and Sound, then click on Network adapters

  4. This will open the network adapter troubleshooter

  5. From Advanced and checkmark on “Apply repairs automatically”

  6. Click next and follow on-screen instructions to let windows check and fix the problem with Wireless and Other network adapters.

  7. Restart windows after complete the troubleshooting process, and check there is no more error while connecting to the WiFi network.

Run Network adapter Troubleshooter

Uninstall and Re-install Network Adapter

Mostly this error “Can’t connect to this network” occurs when there’s something wrong with your network adapter driver, it’s corrupted or not compatible with the current windows version. If the network adapter troubleshooter fails to fix the problem, you must try to update or reinstall the driver for the network adapter that probably fixes the problem for you.

Before move forward: On a different PC Visit your Device manufacturer site. look for the latest available Driver version for the network adapter, Download and save it to your local drive.

  1. Press Windows Key + X to access the Power user menu, and select Device Manager from the list.

  2. This will display all installed driver list. Find your network adapter,  right-click on it and select Uninstall from the context menu.

  3. Make sure you check the “Delete the driver software for this device” box and click OK.

  4. After uninstalling, restart your computer.

  5. Wait till windows automatically detect and re-install the Network adapter. Check if it solved the problem.

  6. If windows didn’t detect the network driver, simply Install the driver that previously downloaded from the device manufacturer’s website.

  7. Restart windows to take effect the changes, Now connect to Wireless network, check it works.

uninstall network adapter driver

Disable IPv6

  • Press Windows + R, type ncpa.cpl and ok

  • Right, click on the wireless adapter and select properties.

  • Under Wireless Adapter properties locate the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP /IPv6) box and uncheck it.

  • Click on Ok and save the changes that you made. Restart your computer to apply them. Check if you can connect to the network now.

Read more: Difference between IPv4 and IPv6

Disable IPv6

Change channel width

Again some of the users mention Changing channel width for the wireless network adapter helps them to fix the Windows 10 can’t connect to this network issue.

  • Again open the Network adapters window using ncpa.cpl command.

  • locate your wireless adapter, right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu.

  • When the Properties window opens, click the Configure button and switch to the Advanced tab.

configure WiFi properties

  • Under property, list select Wireless mode and select value change the value of Wireless mode so it matches the value of Wireless mode on your router.

  • In most cases,   802.11b (or 802.11g) should work, but if it doesn’t, try experimenting with different options.

Change value of Wireless mode

  • Click on Ok and save the changes that you made. Check if the network connection is working fine again.

Network Reset (Windows 10 Users only)

If none above not working, try the network reset option would probably help. Personally, for me, this option worked and help to reconnect to my wireless network again.

  • Open Settings and click on “Network & Internet

  • Then, click “Status” on the left. Scroll Down, You’ll find an option on the right called “Network reset.” Click on it.

Windows 10 Network reset button

  • Your pc will be Restarted itself, so make sure you have everything saved and ready to shut down. Click the “Reset now” button when you’re ready.

Network reset on windows 10

  • Network Reset Confirmation popup will appear, Click Yes to confirm the same and Reset the Network Settings to the default setup.

Confirm Reset Network Settings

  • This Will Take Flew minute to Perform the Reset process after that windows automatically restart.

  • Now connect to your wireless network, hope this time you get connected.

Did these solutions help to fix Windows Network and internet connection problem “can’t connect to this network”? Let us know on the comments below, also read
