Fix High CPU, Disk And Memory Usage In Windows 10 21H1 update

Did you notice System Not Responding or High CPU Disk And Memory Usage after Windows 10 21H1 update? Windows system not working efficiently, Stuck at not Responding while open files or folders etc? And Windows programs or applications take much time to respond or to open? When open Task manager it’s showing 99% or a Huge amount of System Resource (CPU, RAM, Disk) Usage? Here in this post, We discuss some powerful Solutions to fix High CPU Disk And Memory Usage In Windows 10, 8.1 and Win 7.

The Most Common factors Causing High system Resource (CPU, RAM, DISK ) usage are corrupted registry, incompatible drivers, large numbers of background running programs, virus / Spyware Infection. And especially After the Recent windows 10 Upgrade If the System files missing or Get corrupted this may cause High CPU Disk And Memory Usage In Windows 10.

Fix 100 CPU and Disk Usage In Windows 10

If you Are also facing performance issues due to high CPU/memory or Disk usage. Here apply Bellow solutions to Fix poor and slow performance Windows 10  computer with excessive CPU usage and decrease Unnecessary System Resource ( RAM / Disk CPU )usage.

Perform Full System Scan For Virus / Malware Infection

Before Apply Bellow solutions we recommend to perform A full System Scan For Virus and Spyware to make Sure that Any virus / Malware not causing the issue. Because most of the time If windows computers get infected with viruses or malware that cause the System Running slow, not responding at startup, Spyware programs run background and use a huge amount of system resources which cause High CPU Disk And Memory Usage.

So First Install a Good Antivirus / Antimalware Application with the latest updates and perform a full system scan for virus/spyware. Also Install free Third-party System optimizers like Ccleaner to clean junk, Cache, Temp files, System error, Memory dump files. And Fix Broken registry entries that optimize the system performance and fix High System Resource usage.

Tweak Windows Registry To Fix High System Resource Usage

This is the most Effective And helpful solution I found To fix all the issues related to Memory leak, 100% memory Usage. With this, we are going to tweak the Windows registry So that we recommend taking backup registry database before making any modification.

First Open Windows Registry Editor by Press Windows + R, type regedit and hit the enter key. Now on The left sidebar navigate to the following key.

The first and the most effective and helpful way to fix all the issues related to high RAM usage. So, if you are not aware of the cause of the slow performance of your Windows PC then this method will help you to a great extent. For fixing high RAM usage simply follow the below steps.

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>system>>CurrentControlSet>>Control>>Session Manager>>Memory management. 

clearpagefileatshutdown registry value

First, click the Memory management key, Then On the middle pane look for the Dword key named ClearPageFileAtShutdown. Double click on it, change its value To 1 and click ok to make save changes.

Now when you click Memory management, in the main content panel you will get many options, from those options, just find ClearPageFileAtShutdown and double-click on it. After that, change its value to 1 and click ok. On the Next system Restart, the changes will take effect.

Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs

Whenever you start your Windows PC some of the programs automatically get started by themselves without your knowledge. For example, antivirus, Java updater, downloaders, etc. Again Too many startup applications can undoubtedly lead to Unnecessary system resource usage and sluggish PC performance. And disabling these unnecessary programs at the startup will definitely help you to save a lot of RAM / Disk and CPU usage.

To Disable Startup programs

  • Open Taskmanager by press Ctrl + Alt+ Del key on the keyboard.

  • Then Move To the startup tab this will show you the list of all the programs which automatically run with the PC startup.

  • Right-click on the applications that needn’t to be run at startup and select “Disable”.

Disable Startup Applications

Uninstall unwanted programs

Uninstall as many unwanted preinstalled applications as many you can. Doesn’t matter whether you work on some software or not. But if it is installed on your PC then, it will surely use up space, consume system resources.

To uninstall unwanted programs:

Press Windows + R key Then Type appwiz.cpl and hit the Enter key.

This will open the Programs and Features window. Where see all the programs installed on your system and to uninstall the unwanted ones simply right click on the program and select the Uninstall option.

uninstall application on windows 10

Adjust your Windows 10 for best performance

Adjust Windows 10 for best performance As the name suggests, this is a setting option in the Windows system which helps a lot in fixing memory, CPU, and performance-related issues in Windows.

To Adjust windows for Best performance:

  • Click on Start menu Search, type performance and select Adjust the appearance and performance of windows.

  • Then on the performance options window, Under Visual effects Select the radio button Adjust for Best Performance.

  • Click Apply and ok to close and take effect the changes.

Adjust PC for the best performance

Disable Superfetch, BITS and other services

There are a few Windows 10 services that are the main culprit in eating up your CPU resources. Superfetch is a Windows 10 system service, which makes sure that the most accessed data is available right from the RAM. However, if you disable the service, you will notice a huge decrease in CPU usage. Same With Other Services such as BITS, Search index, Windows update etc. And disabling These Services Make Huge Difference on System resource usage.

To disable these Services

  • Press the Windows + R key then type services.msc and hit the enter key.

  • Now scroll down and look for the service named Sysmain (Superfetch), Double-click on it

  • On properties, window change the startup type Disable and Stop the service if it’s running.

  • Click apply and ok To make save changes.

disable superfetch service

Do the Same Steps With Other Services like BITS, Search index and Windows updates. After that close the Services window and Restart windows, On the next start, you will notice a huge difference in System Resource usage.

Defragment Hard Disk Drives

Defragmenting actually helps in many ways to boost the performance of your system and fix the memory leak, High CPU, Disk usage in your Windows PC.

Note: If you are using SSD Drive Then skip this step.

To Defragment Disk Drive Press Windows + R key, Then type dfrgui and hit the enter key. In the new window click on the hard drives you want to defragment (Prefer the drive in which Windows is installed) Click “Optimize” and follow the instructions on the screen to finish the defragment process.

Make sure Installed Drivers Are updated

As we already discussed that incompatible drivers can result in memory leak and different system problems, Make the system slower. So it’s important to check and install the latest updated Device drivers on your system to fix all the driver issues.

To check and update Driver’s open Device manager by Right-click on the Windows Start menu and select Device Manager. Here you can update all the drivers, but the most important drivers which need to be updated are

  • Graphics Card driver

  • Motherboard Chipset driver

  • Motherboard Networking/LAN drivers

  • Motherboard USB drivers 

  • Motherboard audio drivers

Now expand and right-click on the Driver which you want to update (Ex graphic driver) and select update driver. Or you can visit the device manufacturer’s website and get the up-to-date drivers from there. For more Details check How To Install, Update, Rollback and Re-install Drivers on windows 10. 

Run SFC, CHKDSK and DISM command To fix Different Problems

As discussed Before if system files missing, Get corrupted while install/ uninstall applications or the Windows upgrade process. That causes you may face different windows problems and buggy system performance. We recommend to Run System file checker Utility which scans and restores missing System files from a special folder located on %WinDir%\System32\dllcache.

If SFC Scan Results found Some corrupted system files but unable to repair them. That cause you need to run the DISM command which repairs the System image and Enables SFC to do its job.

Again If you are Getting 100% Disk usage problem? Then there may be Disk Drive errors or Bed sectors that causing the problem. And Running CHKDSK command with Extra parameters Scan and Fix The Disk Drive errors.

After Apply All These Steps Simply Restart windows. And on next restart, you notice A huge Difference in System Resource usage.

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