Windows Frequently Restart with Blue Screen Error page fault in nonpaged area At Startup. Or Some Times After Recent Hardware Device installation, Software update or Especially After Recent Windows 10 Fall Creators Upgrade Windows Frequently Showing page_fault_in_nonpaged_area Blue Screen Error with Stop code 0x00000050.
The Error would Be like :
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error
info, and then we’ll restart for you.
If you’d like to know more, you can search online later for this error:
Blue Screen Error Occur whenever your computer encountered something it doesn’t know how to process. So it shuts itself down to prevent any damage. With Showing A Error code like page fault in nonpaged area etc. If you Are also suffering from this blue Screen error, Windows Frequently Restart at startup with this BSOD Error. Here apply bellow solutions to Get rid of this page_fault_in_nonpaged_area BSOD error.
Fix page fault in nonpaged area BSOD in Windows 10
The root cause of this BSOD Error page_fault_in_nonpaged_area may be the size of the paging file ( incorrect paging file configuration ), Power outage, faulty hardware Device (such as RAM or hard DISK), antivirus software, corrupted system files or bad drivers, etc. As there are Various reasons behind this blue screen error we have different Solutions to Fix this page fault in nonpaged area BSOD error.
Some Times After a simple Restart windows start normally but for some Users, Windows Frequently Restart and didn’t allow to perform Any troubleshooting steps to fix this issue. For whom After Restart windows start normally apply Bellow solutions to prevent the blue screen in feature. And for users whose windows frequently restart they need to perform startup repair or Boot into safe mode to perform Bellow troubleshooting steps.
Perform Startup Repair
First Remove all External Devices and Start windows check start normally Then jump to the next solution. If still windows frequently restart then perform Startup Repair which fixes Missing/corrupt/incompatible drivers and system files, Corrupt disk metadata (master boot record, partition table, or boot sector), Problematic update installation, etc
To perform Startup repair we need to access the advanced option. For this boot windows from windows installation media, If you don’t have then create an installation media using this link. Skip the first Screen, On the next screen click on Repair computer -> Troubleshooting -> Advanced options and click on Startup Repair.
Boot Into Safe mode
If Startup repair Failed to fix the issue then boot into safe mode where windows start with minimum system requirements and allow to perform troubleshooting steps to fix different errors. To Access safe mode click on Startup Settings on the Advanced option-> next Click on Restart -> Then press F4 To access safe mode and F5 To access safe mode with networking as shown below image.
Now When you access safe mode and login into windows Computer perform Bellow steps to fix PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and start the computer normally.
Disable automatic paging file size management
Press Win + R, Type SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe, And hit enter key to open system properties. Then move to the Advanced tab, click on Settings underperformance, Under Virtual memory click on change and Uncheck the option which shows – “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.” Also, select the No Paging file Radio Button and click on Set.
Modify Memory Dump setting
Sometimes Memory issues may cause to display of this error message “Your PC Ran Into a Problem and Needs To Restart page fault in nonpaged area windows 10 BSOD error. Let’s modify the memory setting to solve this issue.
To modify the Memory Dump setting in System Properties: Press Windows + R Type “control sysdm.cpl” and press Enter. Next, move to the Advanced tab and click on “Start-up and Recovery” Settings. Here Uncheck “Automatically Restart” In “Write Debugging Information” Select “Complete Memory Dump” from the drop-down menu. Click on Apply and OK.
Uninstall Any Recently Installed Application
If you notice the error started to appear, immediately after you installed an application or install a new driver. Then there is a chance that this new program could be causing the error. This causes uninstalls the program to help you to fix this Blue Screen error.
To uninstall the Recently installed application press win + R, Type appwiz.cpl, and hit the enter key. Now right click on the recently installed application and select uninstall. If you notice After a Recent Driver install or update the problem started then follow the next step.
Uninstall / Disable or Update
Sometimes this nonpaged area bsod is caused by corrupted drivers. In this case, You have to update/ disable/ uninstall/ reinstall drivers.
To do this press Win + R, type devmgmt.msc, and hit enter to open device manager. This will list all installed driver lists, If you found any drivers with a yellow exclamation signs Right-click on it and select the update, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Also Specially Update the Display / Graphics Driver, Network adapter, and Audio Driver. Or Visit manufacturer’s website, download the latest available driver and install it.
If you Notice After a Recent Driver update the problem started then you can Try the Roll Back Driver option to revert back the current driver to the previous version. Which prevents page fault in nonpaged area blue Screen error. Check this How to Roll back Driver, Update, Uninstall and Re-install Device driver on windows 10.
Disable Fast Startup
With Windows 10 Microsoft added Fast Startup Feature ( Hybrid shut down ) To save startup time and make windows 10 Start very fast. But this fast start-up feature users found some Dis advantages. And disable Fast startup Feature fix different Startup problems and most BSOD Errors for them.
To Disable Fast Startup Feature open Control panel -> power options (Small icon view ) -> Choose What the power buttons do -> click on Change Settings that Are currently Unavailable. Then Here under Shutdown Settings Uncheck the option Turn on Fast Startup ( Recommended ) Click save Changes.
Repair Corrupted System Files Using SFC Utility
Again the Corrupted missing system files, Especially After Recent windows 10 upgrade if any system files get damaged or missing this may encounter different startup problems, Blue Screen errors include page fault in nonpaged area BSOD.
Run the Windows SFC utility to fix and make sure corrupted system files not causing this blue screen error. To run System file checker Utility open command prompt as administrator. Then type command sfc /scannow and hit the enter key.
This will Start scanning for missing, damaged, or corrupted system files if found any the utility will restore them from a special folder located at %WinDir%System32dllcache. Wait until 100% complete the process, If sfc results found some corrupted files but unable to repair them then Run the DISM Tool which repair system image and enable sfc to do its job.
Check And Fix Disk Drive Errors
Also Some Times Disk Drive Errors, Bed Sectors, Faulty HDD cause Different Blue Screen Errors. In Order to Check and make Sure Disk Drive Errors not causing the page fault in the nonpaged area Blue Screen Error Run CHKDSK command.
Open Command prompt As administrator, Type chkdsk c: /f /r command and press Enter key. Tip: CHKDSK is the short of Check Disk, C: is the drive letter you want to check, /F means fix disk errors, and /R stands for recover information from bad sectors.
When it prompt “Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? Press Y and restart your computer. This will scan and repair The disk drive errors wait 100% complete after that windows start normally.
Check For memory Errors
Sometimes this error could be occurred by your RAM because of power failure. To fix this error, just remove your computer’s RAM clean it and reinsert it perfectly after a few seconds. You have to make sure that unplugged all the power cords. And also have to remove the battery before you attempt to remove the RAM. Restart your PC after doing that. You should check your PC properly. Also, Run The memory Diagnostic Tool to Check and Fix Memory Related Errors.
These are some most applicable solutions to fix page faults in nonpaged areas BSOD Error STOP 0x00000050. I hope After Apply the Above solutions your problem Blue Screen Error page_fault_in_nonpaged_area would be resolved. Still have any query, suggestion or face any difficulty while apply above solutions feel free to discuss on comments bellow. Also, Read Fix Bad System Config Info ( 0x00000074 ) BSOD in Windows 10.