How to fix vcruntime140 dll was not found on windows 10

Sometimes you might experience error message, The program can’t start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer while you open any application or game on windows 10. Most of the time, vcruntime140.dll was not found error is caused by an unsuccessful installation of a program. Again corrupted system files, outdated windows or programs also cause vcruntime140 dll missing on windows 10. If you are looking to fix the issue here what you’ll need to do.

vcruntime140 dll was not found

Sometimes rebooting your PC fix a number of problems include vcruntime140 dll was not found on windows 10.

There are chances of virus malware infection remove or blocked the vcruntime140 dll file and that results VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Perform a full system scan with the latest updated antivirus or antimalware software.

Install Windows Update

The first thing we recommend to check for and install the latest windows updates. Microsoft regularly releases new updates for windows 10 that include solutions to new security threats and fixes for minor bugs. Installing the latest windows updates also includes Driver updates and since the vcruntime140.dll missing error is linked to the DLL file it may resolve the issue as well.

  • Press Windows key + X select settings,

  • Go to Update & security then hit check for updates button,

  • This will check for, and download and install the latest windows updates on your PC,

  • you only need to reboot your PC to apply them, once done check if there is no more vcruntime140 dll was not found error occurs.

Run the program compatibility troubleshooter

Run the build-in program compatibility troubleshooter that automatically detects and fix if vcruntime140.dll missing error caused by the installation or update of the application, which will often result in the loss of critical data or files

  • Press Windows key + I to open settings,

  • Go to update and security then troubleshoot,

  • Click on the additional troubleshooter link,

  • From here navigate and select program compatibility troubleshooter then click run the troubleshooter,

  • Select the program name that causing VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing and follow on-screen instructions.

Program compatibility troubleshooter

Let the diagnosis process complete, once done reboot your PC and check if there is no more vcruntime140.dll was not found error in your PC.

Re-register the vcruntime140 dll file

Several users report, re-registering the problematic file help them get back access to the application. To do so

Open Command Prompt with administrator rights. Type these commands to re-register the file:

  • regsvr32 / u VCRUNTIME140.dll and press Enter.

  • regsvr32 VCRUNTIME140.dll and press Enter.

Now try to open the program; it is best to do this after restarting your computer.

Reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable

This error, vcruntime140.dll missing mostly caused by the loss or corruption of DLL files relating to Visual C++, reinstalling it is definitely worth the effort.

Follow the steps below to do that:

  1. Go to the Official site of Microsoft Visual C++.

  2. Download & Install the relevant version of the program.

  3. After the installation is complete, restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Reinstall the problematic application

If you are getting vcruntime140 dll missing error with a specific application only (for example FileZilla), reinstall the application following steps below.

  • Press Windows key  X select Apps and features,

  • Locate the particular app that causing vcruntime140.dll missing error. For example, in this case, we’ve selected to uninstall Filezilla.Go ahead with the uninstall, and then download and reinstall the application from its official site.

  • Reboot your computer and check if there is no more vcruntime140.dll run time error persists.

Run system file checker

There are chances, Corrupted or missing system files causing vcruntime140_1 DLL not found error on your computer. Run the built-in system file checker utility that automatically detects errors and corruption issues and then repairs them.

  • Open command prompt as administrator,

  • Type command sfc /scannow and press enter key,

  • This will start scanning for corrupted missing system files. if find any the utility replace them with the correct ones.

  • Leave the scanning process complete 100%, once done close the command prompt and restart your PC.

System file checker utility

Download vcruntime140 dll

In addition, you can download vcruntime140 dll following links below (Note: These dll files verified by us and its download from Gdrive). Once downloaded follow the instructions shown on the video to apply these files on your system.

vcruntime140 dll 32 bit

vcruntime140 dll 64 bit

Perform System restore

Still the problem not resolved, It’s time to utilize the system restore feature that reverts system settings to a previous working state.

  • Press Windows key + S  type system restore in the Start Menu search bar and select the Best Match.

  • System Restore wizard will open, click next select a restore point, and click on Next again.

  • And finally, click on Finish to start the restoration process.

Did these solutions fix vcruntime140 dll was not found on windows 10? Let us know which one works for you.

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