Keep Your Business Safe With These 10 Cyber Security Tips

If your business doesn’t have an online presence, it may as well not exist. But finding a free website builder and hosting for small business is just the first step. Once you’re online, you need to think about cyber security. Every year, Cyber Criminals attack businesses of all sizes, often in an attempt to steal company data. Here this post we have rounded up 10 simple Internet/Cyber Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe from hackers, spammers and more.

What exactly is cyber security?

Cyber security refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Cyber security may also be referred to as information technology security.

Cyber Security tips 2021

Here’s what you can do to stop them:

cyber security

Use a reputable VPN

A virtual private network, or VPN, hides your location and encrypts data you send and receive over the internet. This keeps sensitive business and customer details safe from hackers. Choose a provider that offers 2048-bit or 256-bit encryption.

VPN provides end-to-end encryption and delivers a secured web connection to company devices, no matter where employees connect to the internet. Once your company data is encrypted, it is private and secure from fake Wi-Fi, hackers, governments, competitors, and advertisers. Check these essential VPN features, Before Buying a VPN

Set strong passwords

Remember the basics: Don’t use a recognizable word, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters, make sure all passwords are at least 8 characters long and use different passwords for all your accounts.

Consider adding Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Along with a password, 2FA uses other pieces of personal information to restrict access to a device. For example, you may choose to set up your accounts so that you have to provide a fingerprint or a mobile code.

Use a firewall

Firewalls monitor incoming traffic on your business’ computer network and block suspicious activity. You can set up a firewall that blocks all traffic other than sites you’ve whitelisted, or a firewall that only filters out banned IPs.

Secure your wi-fi networks

Never use the default password that comes with your router. Set up your own, and only share it with those who need it. Change the network name to something that won’t catch the attention of hackers, and make sure you are using WPA2 encryption. Keep your public and private networks separate. Keep your physical router in a secure place.

Get the latest updates

Hackers look for, and exploit, known weaknesses in operating systems. Set your devices to notify you of new updates.

Make regular backups

Keep local and remote copies of all your sensitive data and important information. That way, if one machine or network is compromised, you’ll always have a backup.

Train employees in cybersecurity

Don’t assume that your employees understand the basics of Cyber Security. Hold regular training sessions. Teach them how to avoid common online scams, how to choose strong passwords, and how to keep your business networks and information safe.

Train your spam filters

Email scams are still an effective way for Cyber Criminals to steal information and install malicious software on a machine. Don’t just delete any spammy emails – flag them. This trains your email provider to filter them so they don’t hit your inbox.

Use an account privilege system

Use administrator settings to control what your employees can access, and when. Don’t give anyone the power to download new software or make network changes unless it’s absolutely necessary. The fewer people who can make potentially unwise changes, the better.

Plan how you will respond to an attack

What will you do if there’s a data breach in the company? Who will you call if your website is hacked? You can save yourself a lot of grief by drawing up a contingency plan. You may have to notify your country’s authorities if hackers get hold of sensitive data, so check your local laws.

Getting outside help

If you aren’t sure how to keep your business safe, call in an expert. Look around for a firm with a solid background in cybersecurity. They will be able to give you tailored advice and training. See their services as an investment. With the average cybercrime costing at least $80K, you can’t afford to skimp on security measures.

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