How To Update Reinstall Display Driver In Windows 10, 8.1 and 7

On certain causes We need to update Reinstall The Display Driver to Fix most of the Startup problems such As Black Screen with white cursor, Frequent blue Screen Error (Video TDR Failure, DRIVER_OVERRAN_STACK_BUFFER, Thread stuck in device driver etc ). Also Some Times you get “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered”. This is one of the common errors that you get when the video driver is not working properly. And you must Update Reinstall Display Driver to fix this problem. If you don’t Aware of How To Install Update Display Driver? This post we discuss  How To Update Display Driver using Windows update or completely Reinstall Display Driver in Windows 10, 8.1 and 7.

Most of the time’s users report After Install Windows Updates or Upgrade to Windows 10 2004 update. Windows Start misbehaving at startup such as stuck at the black screen or frequently Restart with BSOD error. Mostly this happens because the installed Display driver is not compatible with the current windows version or The driver gets corrupted while upgrade process. That cause we need either update the Display driver or Completly reinstall the Device driver to fix this problem.

Update Display Driver Windows 10

To Update Display Driver on Windows 10, 8.1 or 7 first you need to open Device Manager. To do this press Windows + R key, type devmgmt.msc and hit the enter key. This will open Device manage where you get installed device driver list.

Now Expand Display adapters to see your Installed Display driver/ graphics card details. In my case below, you will see NVIDIA GeForce entry. Simply right-click on it and select Update Driver. On next screen select Search Automatically for updated driver software and let windows to check and install the latest available display driver for that. If a windows update found any latest version of the Display driver this will automatically download and install it for you.

update driver software
update driver software

Also, you can choose the second option Browse my computer for Driver software -> Let me pick from a list of Available Drivers on my computer. Here check mark on Show compatible hardware option and Select the Driver from the list click next to install the same. Restart your computer and your driver will be updated!

Let me pick from a list of Available Drivers
Let me pick from a list of Available Drivers

Manually update NVIDIA Geforce Driver

There is another way to update NVIDIA GeForce drivers. Type GeForce in Start search and select GeForce experience. After this NVIDIA GeForce experience app is launched, you can right-click on its system tray icon and select Check for updates.

Geforce check for updates
Geforce check for updates

If updates are available, you will see a popup notification to this effect.

update Geforce Graphics Drivers
update Geforce Graphics Drivers

Click on it and NVIDIA GeForce experience UI will open. Clicking on the green Download driver button will commence its download and installation. This should give you a smooth experience.

Reinstall graphics driver in Windows 10

To Re-install Device driver Open Device manager by Right-click on the Windows Start button and click Device Manager to open the same. Or you can press Windows + R, type devmgmt.MSC and hit the enter key to open Device Manager.

In the Device Manager, expand Display adapters to see your graphics, video or display card entry. If you have multiple video cards, all of them will appear here.

Note down the video or graphics card name and model number. Visit the graphics card manufacturer’s website or your PC manufacturer’s website and download the latest version of the driver for your video card or PC model. And Save it to your local drive. Be sure to check if you are running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 10 and download the right type of driver.

Download graphic Driver
Download graphic Driver

Uninstall The Display Driver

In the Device Manager, right-click on the graphics card entry and then click the Uninstall device option. Again, if you have multiple video cards, right-click on the one whose driver you want to reinstall. When you get the following confirmation dialog, select Delete the driver software for this device check box and then click Uninstall button.

uninstall Graphic Driver
uninstall Graphic Driver

Once the driver is uninstalled, reboot your computer once. Please note that it’s important to reboot your PC to uninstall the device driver completely.

Re-install the Display Driver

Now after rebooting your computer, run the setup file of the video driver that you downloaded from the Device manufacturer website. And Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Restart your computer if the setup file asks you to do so.

Install Graphic Driver
Install Graphic Driver

That’s all! You have successfully reinstalled the video, graphics or display driver in Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 PC.

Following these steps, you can update reinstall any Device driver (Network adapter, Display driver, Audio Driver etc) on all windows 10, 8.1 and 7computers. Hope This post help to Update Reinstall Display Driver on Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 computer. Face any difficulty while performing these steps feel free to discuss in the comments below.

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