Windows 10 Search Preview not working (October 2020 Update version 20H2)

Microsoft Introduced The New Windows 10 Start menu with a combination of Windows 7 start menu and Windows 8 Start Apps. This is one of the popular features of the latest Windows OS, And with regular updates, Microsoft Redesign and improves the features of the Start menu. But Some users report windows 10 search not working When attempting to search for items in the Windows 10 start menu – no results are shown. The windows 10 search rejects to Show the Search Results. users unable to search any apps, Files, games etc from the windows 10 search bar.

Fix Windows 10 search not working


The issue Start menu Search not working mostly occurs if due to any reason windows Search Service stopped working, Not responding, system Files get Corrupted, Any Third-party programs especially the PC optimizer and antivirus are misbehaving the search result. If Windows 10 Cortana or Search isn’t working for you, having problems using the Start menu Search bar on Windows 10. Here we have some effective solutions to fix Windows 10 Start Menu Search not showing results issue.

Restart the Cortana Process

Windows 10 Start menu Search is integrated with Cortana. If anything goes wrong with the Cortana process the search results also not work properly. So First Restart the Cortana process And Windows Explorer by the following below.

  • Right-click on Taskbar and select Task Manager or you can use keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-Esc to open the Task Manager.

  • Click More details to view the full view of the task manager. Now Under the process tab look for the Cortana background host task.

  • Right click on it and select End Task, do the same with the Cortana process.

restart Cortana Process

  • Again look For Windows Explorer, Right-click And select Restart.

  • The above action will restart the Windows Explorer and Cortana process, Now Try to search anything from the start menu and see if it works.

Check Windows Search Service

Windows Search service is a system service and runs automatically on the system startup. Search Results depend on this windows Search service, for any unexpected reasons if this service gets stopped or not started then you may face Search not showing results. Start / Restart the Windows Search Service also helps to fix Windows 10 Start Menu Search not showing results problem.

  • Open Windows Services by press Win + R, type services.msc, and hit the enter key.

  • Scroll down and look for Windows search service if it’s running simply right click on it and select Restart.

  • If the service is not started them double click on it, Here change the startup type automatic and start the service next to service status as shown below image.

  • Click Apply and OK to make save changes.

  • Now go to start menu search and type something check showing the search results? If not follow the next solution.

Start windows Search Service

Troubleshoot via Indexing Options

If the above option doesn’t fix the Search Results problem then run the built-in search troubleshooter (Rebuild Indexing Options) to find out more about it. If the search index stopped, corrupted then also windows search stop showing search results. Rebuild the Indexing options will help to deal with this type of issue.

  • Open Control panel, change to small icon view and click on indexing options.

  • This will open a new window, click on the “Advanced” button from the bottom,

  • On a new dialog box, you will see a “Rebuild” button under Troubleshooting click on it.

Rebuild Indexing options

  • Rebuilding the index may take a long time to complete message popup click ok to start the process.

  • Keep in mind that this might take quite a while to finish.

  • If that doesn’t help, just click on the “Troubleshoot search and indexing” link from the same dialog and follow the on-screen instructions.

Re-register Cortana

As discussed Start menu Search is integrated with Cortana, which means if something goes wrong with Cortana, this will effect to start menu search. If after restarting the Cortana, file explorer, windows search service, rebuild indexing options Still having the same issue start menu search not showing results then re-registering the Cortana app which can help to fix your search results problem.

To Do this simply open Window power shell as administrator by right click on the Windows Start menu and select windows power shell ( admin ). Now Copy Bellow command and pasted it on the power shell, Hit the enter key to execute the command and re-register the Cortana app.

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}

re-register Windows 10 cortana

wait until to execute the command. After that close, the Power Shell, restart your system and you should have the start menu search working.

Some Other Solutions

These are the most working solutions to fix Start menu search not showing results, start menu search not working, Windows search service Not running etc on Windows 10 computer. If apply all the above solutions still having the same issue then we recommend the First check your system for Virus malware infection By performing a full system scan. Simply download and install a good antivirus / Anti-malware application with the latest updates and perform a full system scan. Also Use third-party software like CCleaner to clear junk, Cache, system error files and fix corrupt, broken registry entries.

Again Corrupted system files also can cause this You can run the inbuilt system file checker To scan and restore missing, damaged system files. Again disk Errors, Bad Sectors can also cause This Search Result problem. So We recommend to check and fix disk drive errors using CHKDSK command.

Conclusion :

After performing Full system Scan, Scan And fix Corrupted system files, fix Disk Drive error again perform the above step ( rebuild index options ). I hope After that windows will start showing the Search Results.

windows Search Results

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